Preparing for an audit

Thoroughly reviewing and preparing your protocol's code for an audit is crucial to ensure comprehensive coverage. However, protocol teams often face challenges in determining the key priorities for preparing to an effective auditing process.

CodeHawks has designed its Audit Requirements Checklist to guide protocols towards the minimum requirements to ensure a smooth and comprehensive auditing process.

For audits scheduled >7 days in advance of the start date, the CodeHawks team will have multiple check-ins with your team to make sure you're on track and solve any issue you might have.

Note: in order to provide your team with the most efficient and effective code review, we require your team to add ALL code, documentation, and notes to your audit repo as well as complete the checklist above, at least 1 day prior to your audit start time.

Here's an high level overview of what you'll need to get your codebase full security coverage:

  • Submit an auditing request on, filling the Request an Audit form

  • Prepare your code for review following this Audit Requirements Checklist - this will ensure your code has high test coverage and good formatting to help our auditors focusing on what really matters, and your protocol to get audited faster.

  • View the contest README example and submit your own using this template. This README will outline important contest and protocol details. The template is, available here:

For a full overview of how the auditing process looks like check the Auditing process guide

Last updated