How to Determine a Finding Validity

For findings to be considered valid, they need to check all the properties listed below:

  • Submissions must be made during the official duration of the contest.

  • Valid submissions should identify legitimate vulnerabilities within the codebase.

  • Issues that fall under Gas/QA or Informational severity will not be eligible for rewards, even if they are accurate or correct.

  • Submissions should include sufficient details and proof to support the findings. For instance, while ChatGPT and AI can assist in bug finding, relying solely or primarily on AI responses often leads to poor reports. Reports suspected of this approach will likely be deemed invalid.

Contest-specific validity guidelines

There are two criteria to determine the validity of a finding within the context of a specific contest:

  • The official contest specification on the CodeHawks contest's page

  • The code within the scope

After a contest launch, Sponsors have a 48-hour kick-off period to address any ambiguities raised by auditors in Discord regarding the contest-specific validity guidelines. Once this window has passed, the official contest specification on Cyfrin CodeHawks will be updated with answers from the Sponsor, becoming the ultimate standard for determining the validity of an issue within the contest.

Sponsors are strictly prohibited from employing the "Moving The Goalposts" logical fallacy to invalidate submissions after these 48 hours.

Judges and Sponsors may only invalidate a submission if it fails to meet the contest's predefined criteria.

Vague generalities

Vague generalities are always judged as invalid submissions. Examples include:

  • "This function may have re-entrance; add re-entrance guard."

  • "This hash function may have a hash collision; do the hashing differently."

Suppose an auditor identifies a vulnerability in a function. In that case, they are responsible for demonstrating its impact by creating a proof of concept (PoC) exploit that can cause significant damage to the system or result in permanent grief or denial of service.

However, if another auditor submits an actual exploit with a PoC that proves the vague generality to be accurate, only that auditor will be rewarded. Please refer to the dedicated guide for detailed instructions on what to include and how to submit a finding.

To determine the validity of a finding, we provide several issue categories as a guideline. Please note that final determinations will always be at the discretion of the Judge.

Findings that may be invalid

The following is a high-level list of issues which are usually not considered valid.

The following table is a rough guide and does not represent concrete policy. Each issue's validity may vary, pending conditions and circumstances. Final determinations are at the judge/protocol's discretion.

Last updated